Life punished my grandmother

Life punished my grandmother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMom met dad when she was walking in the park with her sister. He was 19, she was 23. He threw a snowball at her, and she was rude in response. He then followed her all the way, and when she approached the house, he offered to meet her.

A little about dad. At that moment he was an airborne cadet. Originally from the Far East. His parents insisted on enrolling there so that he would be further from home. For a 16-year-old boy who just graduated from school, the test is not easy.

He proposed marriage to my mother after two weeks of dating. She agreed. Then she told me that there was no love for him, rather a calculation, since at that time the military was respected, they gave an apartment, and there was a good salary.

The relationship between mother and mother-in-law did not work out. When she came to visit her, her mother-in-law would tell her thather father is cheating on her. Mother cried constantly. My was bornbrother , then me, with a difference of 2.5 years. In principle, I cannot say that my grandmother treated me badly, she even gave me something, bought me and my brother the dogs that we dreamed of. Everything was fine until one moment.

My father died in 1995 at a training ground near Chechnya. I was already 6 years old, and my brother was 8. I remember very well how we celebrated 40 days for my father. Grandmother, having drunk, raised toasts to the fact that she was all so good, that she had a lot of gold things. One of the relatives could not stand it and threw salad at her. She fell under the table. My brother went into the kitchen and I locked myself in the toilet. The mother tried to calm everyone down.

Mom kicked my mother-in-law out into the street in the middle of the night (she was from another city). They didn't communicate anymore. The “beloved” grandmother began to write letters. There is no remorse or support in them. I read them when I was 20, before thatmy mother hid them from me so as not to spoil themrelationship . And they contain approximately the following content: “You are a homeless woman and your children are in rags, you drag men home, the children see it all. They beg and starve.”

Can you imagine how it was to read this to a woman who had just losthusband and was left with two small children? I came to visit this grandmother at the age of 15, they talked normally, but then I didn’t know what she wrote. Not only did she write letters to my mother, she sent approximately the same ones to work, where she asked them to fire her and say, look who works for you.

My grandmother screams about her love for my already deceased father and this causes laughter and anger at the same time, because when he was alive, she did absolutely nothing to help, drove him out of the house and asked him to divorce my mother. He made a choice in favor of family.

Life punished her. In her old age she was left completely alone. Jrher son is a complete drug addict, she has diabetes, and does not communicate with her relatives. She got what she deserved. I am grateful to my mother for not breaking down at that moment and raising good children who became successful people.

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