Living with my husband's parents endangers our family

Living with my husband's parents endangers our family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I live with my husband with his parents, my son is only 2 months old. Relations with the father-in-law are very strained, but it is not yet possible to live separately.

The husband works alone, the salary is small, and even that is often delayed. I have oneMom , lives in another city, can’t help much either. The fact is that my husband's father is used to being the head of the family and demands that everyone listen to him, including me. But I have my ownhusband , why should I obey a practically stranger to me? Everything is wrong with him, he is dissatisfied with everything, even with his grandson, who, according to him, prevents him from getting enough sleep. And this, of course, is my fault. Not only am I constantly with a small child, but also all the household duties are on me, because I'm sitting at home. I have to clean up and cook dinner for everyone, but whether I have time for this or not, no one cares.

The husband silently endures everything, because one day his father told him: “you will command in your house, but here I am the boss.” The mother-in-law also tries not to argue with him, she is used to doing as her husband tells her over the years of marriage. I do not understand such relations in the family, why should an adult man assert himself at the expense of the weak and take advantage of our hopeless situation?

I'm tired of everything, my mother offers to come with the child to live with her for at least six months, but how can I leave my husband alone. I'm afraid that during this time he will find someone for himself, and I will stay with my mother with the child. He will not go with me, there is no work for him there, but here at least some kind of income. How can my husband's parents not understand that with such an attitude they can break our family? Do they really care how their son's life turns out?

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