An ill-fated trip

An ill-fated trip
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At the time I experienced this, I was 30 years old. I already had two little daughters, whom I left with their grandparents for a week, and I went with my husband to Kyrgyzstan to buy cheap goods for our store. We went on a bus, there were about 15 people in total, and to my misfortune, mine was also there.classmate with her husband,relations with her at school were cool.

My husband formed a group of ten fellow travelers, the people were diverse, boorish, explosive, I would even say. Aogol, a snack, and away we go... Minemy husband started bullying me with these same people! My classmate and her husband were also there. There was strong emotional tension, I felt like a hunted animal, I wanted at that moment to become an invisible grain of sand, or for some savior to suddenly appear. But alas...

My husband humiliated me, told stories that humiliated me, and all the jokes went “below the belt.” Having enlisted the support of his interlocutors, he began to demonstrate that he would throw me out the window of the bus, pressed me to the window, spread out my face, everyone just laughed and egged me on.

I can notforget this horror, humiliation. I became not confident in myself, I started stuttering, I didn’t say anything to anyone, I kept it to myself.

How to live further?

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