Why there are fewer mosquitoes in Poland than in Belarus

Why there are fewer mosquitoes in Poland than in Belarus
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Mosquitoes are one of the most unpleasant phenomena of the summer season, which can ruin any outdoor recreation. However, not all countries face this problem in the same way. For example, mosquitoes are much less in Poland than in Belarus. 
One of the reasons for this is the climatic factor. Poland has a temperate climate, with cool winters and warm summers. This is not the most favorable climate for breeding mosquitoes, which prefer warm and humid conditions. In Belarus, the climate is more continental, with hot summers and rather humid weather. These conditions are ideal for breeding mosquitoes, which can spread rapidly under such conditions.
Another reason for the lower number of mosquitoes in Poland may be the ecological situation. In recent years, Poland has been actively working to protect the environment and reduce pollution. Clean rivers and lakes, green parks and forests - all this creates a less favorable environment for mosquitoes, which prefer more polluted water bodies and places with low environmental conditions.
It is also worth mentioning that active work is being carried out in Poland to combat insects. Cities and towns are regularly treated with special mosquito repellents, which significantly reduces their number. In Belarus, however, such measures are not always carried out to a sufficient extent, which can lead to a higher number of insects.
In general, the lower number of mosquitoes in Poland can be explained by several factors - climatic conditions, ecological situation and active work on insect control. These factors together create a less favorable environment for mosquitoes, making Poland more attractive for tourism and outdoor recreation.

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