Pregnant from a married but beloved man

Pregnant from a married but beloved man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met him at work when I was in my early twenties. He did not hide the fact that he was married and had a child, but at the same time he always told me that he and his wife had not slept for a long time, but lived only by inertia. I was getting good regularsex and attention that I needed at that moment. Came a little laterlove , and what I had before was not enough for me. We quarreled, made up violently, quarreled again, but in the end nothing changed. He still wasn’t going to get a divorce and pay more attention to me, and I started missing just great sex.

After three years of such feelings, I quit my job, never to see him again and startedlife again. My friends and relatives insisted that I deserved better, and not a man like him, that I had nothing to hope for and that I was wasting the precious years of my youth. They registered me on dating sites against my will and tried to find a “normal and free man.” I took sedatives and ignored all this.

A month and a half after my next “climbing” the wall from the overwhelming depression, I realized that I couldn’t live without my lover. I felt physically ill, I could not even imagine that somethe man undresses me and drags me to bed. I couldn’t see my life without a specific man, not my man. I returned to work. At that moment, the rules of our relationship were clearly stated, but, of course, everything went wrong. Six months later I became pregnant. He tactlessly hinted that I should see a doctor. I still regret listening to him. Two years have passed. People around continued to come outget married and have children, and the number 30 flashed more and more clearly on my horizon. And I decided for myself that it was time to start, if not a family, then at least a child.

There was little choice. I addressed this proposal to my, or rather, not my, man. He agreed, discussing on the shore that he was not going to get a divorce, but was ready to take on the financial obligations associated with the baby. No, I am not ashamed in front of his wife and society. If she were good for him, he would not have been with me for so many years. I think she realizes that he has another life. If necessary, I am ready to meet with her and discuss all the points that interest her. But she won’t see me, because she knows that if something happens, she will destroy her own family with her own hands. We know her, by the way. A couple of times he took her to meetings that I was present at. And even then I was not ashamed, as everyone around me promised me. Why should I be ashamed of my own happiness and my feelings? Does this woman really have exclusive rights to a man? He is a big boy and is able to make his own decisions about who he should be with.

Our baby will be born in a couple of months. I will have a dash in the “father” column. Why do I need extra paperwork? Everything suits me. Ipregnant by the man I love. Even if it’s not mine. But these are the feelings andthe relationship that each of us dreams of.

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