Fell in love with a guy who is 20 years younger than me

Fell in love with a guy who is 20 years younger than me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met him through a circle of mutual friends. I look young, sometimes younger men flirt with me, so I immediately tell them how old I am in conversation. For some it is sobering, for others not so much. But I dated a man 7 years younger than 4 years old, I had to leave him, because the age difference made it difficult to understand the motives of his actions (or maybe he’s just not my man). But let me return to my life story.

We suddenly started talking about everything and everything and I felt amazingly good. I remember that evening I wrote a poem for the first time in 20 years. Then we started communicating on the Internet. I really hope that he was interested in communicating with me, because the emotions that he gave me were huge.

We saw each other a couple of times, just met to talk and it seemed to me that he looked at me as a woman he liked. Although it depended more on my appearance. But I developed a strong dependence on correspondence in the evenings and inspiration fromcommunication began to disappear test-antibiotic.com, because I just wanted to have fun.

And then he started courting mea man my age. And in general, I realized that it is pointless to waste time on a young man who is not interested in you, with whom there is no future, and with whom, if it reaches another level, it will be immoral.

With an effort of will, I stopped communicating. Sometimes it breaks like a drug addict, but I’ve been holding on for a month.

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