Tired of life

Tired of life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never understood my place in life. At first I had hope andfaith in the future, a series of new images, dreams of a bright future. Faith that everything will work out. This did not last long. One day gave way to another, each one similar to the previous one, a feeling of déjà vu. Apathy settled inside me. At school, you seem to communicate with people, but you just put on a mask and go ahead. And everything inside is so jammed, I want to scream. And then just silence.

What frightens me most is this monotony. I have neither the desire nor the ability to change anything. I hate everything that happens around me. It's like I'm in a cage of my emotions. Very often I feel unreasonablefear . Memories come from time to time, and I cannot understand whether they are real or never existed. I'm tired.

I don't understand. Why do I live and what awaits me ahead. What is the purpose, the meaning? Suicide, of course, is not a solution, but just burn throughI don’t want to live life and wait for something unknown anymore. Slowly I feel like I'm getting there. test-antibiotic.com Don't get me wrong, I love life, but it doesn't love me.

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