What's wrong with my girlfriend?

What's wrong with my girlfriend?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Me and my girlfriendThe relationship is difficult, we quarrel often. Lately I’ve started texting with different guys, despite the fact that I forbid it. She says she does it out of spite for me, supposedly then I become angry in bed, but she likes it that way.

We've reached the point of intimacy, she looks at the correspondence with the guy onWhen asked what she was doing, she answered that she was just looking at the time. After that, she began to correspond with him again, saying that she was looking for friends.

Threatened separation, said: “I’m not keeping you.” I openly told her: “You are looking for a new guy for yourself, and I’m just a convenient option for you.” She replied: “No, I love you.”

I've been dating her for a year and two months. What can you tell me or advise me?

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