Ex-wife forbids seeing children

Ex-wife forbids seeing children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Five years ago I divorced my wife. We have two children together. We agreed on the amount of alimony. Everything suited her. I paid good alimony. Everything was fine until the moment she appearedgirl in my life. And exthe wife changed dramatically. Bans on communication, blocking on social networks. She told the children that she was like thisThey don’t need their father , since he already has a new onefamily .

Now she says that I owe everythingThe money I earn should be brought to her, and not spent on another woman. I decided to bribe her with money. I started paying 50 thousand a month. Everything seems to be fine again. ButCommunication with children took place only in the presence of his ex-wife. I think okay. Maybe it'll cool down.

Summer has come. My girlfriend and I and our child from our first marriage (her daughter) went to the sea. That's all! From that moment on, I never saw my children again. After my ex-wife found out about our vacation, she went crazy. And again the block. Turns children against me. She told the children that I beat her and test-antibiotic.com other terrible things. I decided not to give her so much money anymore and only pay alimony as expected.

Six months have passed. She transferred the children to another school. I didn't know until yesterday. I went to their new school and stole them for a couple of hours. We went straight to the shops to put them on. Then I took them to my grandparents (my parents). They sat there for a while, and I took them to my ex-wife. She screamed at me in front of the children, even threatened me with the police. And I just want to communicate with my children. But my ex-wife said that I wouldn't see them again.

My girlfriend tells me to file a complaint against my ex-wifecourt . But I'm afraid of how the children will react to this. They told me yesterday that they want to live with me. That they are afraid of their mother. She hits them often.

I don't know what to do. I love my children. There is no way to come to an agreement with her. Where can you start taking action? Go to court or go somewhere else. Give me some advice.

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