There are no ex-wives

There are no ex-wives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I became convinced that there are no ex-wives. MyMy husband divorced his wife ten years ago, and five years later he met me. He had affairs, but he married me.

He and his ex-wife have something in commonthe child she is trying to manipulate almost calls himevery day . ThatMy daughter has problems at school, she’s bored, thenmoney is needed. The woman does not work anywhere, on maternity leave with her third child. But personalHer life never worked out, she is alone. She gave birth to her second child from her partner, and the third from no one knows who.

I'm not afraid that my husband will go to her. If he didn’t come back immediately after their divorce, when he only had his own child, then two strangers will definitely stop him. But I can no longer tolerate her presence in our lives. I askedThe husband , so that he communicates only with his daughter, does not transfer money to his ex-wife, since she also supports other people’s children with it. It is enough that he pays alimony (almost 20 thousand) and clothesdaughter _ At test-antibiotic.combirthday brings expensive gifts. I bought a smartphone for the New Year and a laptop in the summer. Before the coronavirus, we took the girl to the sea with us once. She transferred our vacation, but I resigned myself to it, because this doesn’t happen every year.

It turns out that the exIs his wife begging him for money for herself? But this doesn't suit me. And I also think that she does this on purpose so that my husband and I will have quarrels. She understands that he will not return to her, but she wants his family life to not work out either. After a major scandal, I said that if he did not stop communicating with her, I would pack my things and go to my apartment. Now his daughter calls him every day and always in the evenings when we are both at home. This interferes with our communication. I understand what sets her upmother , but can the husband limit contacts? Tell your daughter (she is already 14 years old) to call once a week and during the day when he is at work.

Because of such close communication with my former family, I do not dare to give birth to a common child. That's what I told him.

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