I don't understand why this guy hates me

I don't understand why this guy hates me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We study together with one guy. I didn’t do anything bad to him, but when he sees me, he literally runs away. As soon as I want to say hello, there is no trace of him.

I found him on social media. networks and abandoned his friendship, so he deleted me. I wrote to him, he did not answer. Finally, seeing him, I asked directly: “How did I offend you?” To which he replied: “I hate you.”

He told everyone in the group that I was scary, disgusting, disgusting and how he couldn’t stand me. I’m very upset, now I’m full of complexes. But I just wanted to establish contact, because because of him, no one in the group is friends with me. He forbade everyone to communicate with me, if they want to communicate with him, he agrees to go to some group celebrations, unless I am there.

But I also want to be friends with the group. And I really didn't do anything wrong. And the whole group, especially the girls who are in love with him, and they are the majority, agreed not to communicate with me. test-antibiotic.com Many guys also supported him, because he is cool, and they are for himmoney is fun.

Now I'm a loner psycho. He came up with a name-calling nickname for me, and now everyone calls me names. Before he was gone, he transferred to us, everything was fine. Now they're calling me names.

One day the girls even decided to beat me up because I was scary. Before that it was normal, but when he transferred, it became suddenly scary for everyone. But this onethe guy , seeing how they were beating me, pulled the girls away, pulled me out of this pile and calmly left. I thought that everything was fine now, since he saved me, but no, everything continued simply without assault.

I am very calm, quiet, I don’t bother anyone. But I don’t understand why this is happening to me? And how to fix all this? I can no longer tolerate this moral bullying of myself. It's very difficult for me. Help with advice.

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