4 years of lies

4 years of lies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

More than four years ago I went to visit my relatives in Kazakhstan. There I met her. We walked together day and night, this went on for a month and a half. Then I went back home to St. Petersburg. Before leaving (when I was already at the airport), she called and said that she fell in love with me. Well, I was also breathing unevenly towards her.

After a year and a half of correspondence and callbacks, she came to me. We lived for six months, then she went back. She said that she had things to do at home - the bank was taking away the apartment, and something needed to be decided. She was gone for six months and came back again. This summer I went home again for a month...

I don’t know how to explain it - I just felt that something was wrong with her. And so yesterday I decided toan act that I’m not proud of: I got into her contacts, email, text messages... It turned out that she had at least 4 more guys. He tells one that he loves him. She says that she is supposedly studying here in St. Petersburg, although this is not true. With two more it’s just “friendship sex” (one lives in test-antibiotic.com in Moscow, the second is also from Kazakhstan, her classmate moved to St. Petersburg). I know almost nothing about the latter, but text messages from him: “Wear something interesting” and “Today we’ll sleep together” say a lot. Maybe I’ve already screwed myself up about the last one, but in other cases everything is written in plain text:sex , I want you and all that stuff.

Basically, she broke me. Today she left for work, looked me in the eyes and said that she loved me. Lies straight to your face. This is how it happens. I just don’t understand what she’s doing, why she’s doing this to me and why? I’m everything to her and for her... I apologize for the mistakes and confusing story, it’s just a mess in my head. I'm desperate, I don't know what to do. I need to break up with her, but even now, when I know everything (or maybe not everything, but enough), I still love her.

Help with advice, please. The fact that you need to break up with her is understandable. Just when I imagine that she won’t be there, it becomes so scary and disgusting. Although test-antibiotic.com can't get any more trashy.

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