Colleague and boss's relative plays games at work

Colleague and boss's relative plays games at work
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Three months ago, I finally found my dream job: interesting tasks, good salary, close to home and a very cozy office with modern furniture and office equipment. And our people are excellent, the management is sane and does not find fault with little things. It would seem that work and enjoy life, but as always happens in life, there is a fly in the ointment. Moreover, as for me, the spoon is not small at all.

The niece of a big boss from the central office works for us. I don’t know if she copes with her job, I don’t interact with her on business matters, although we sit with her and six other girls in the same “open space,” but her excessive passion for computer games is very tiring. And not only me, as it turned out after personal conversations with colleagues in the smoking room. But everyone is silent, because... No one wants to quarrel with Lenochka (that’s the name of the boss’s niece).

Don't get me wrong, this is not envy or nitpicking. I also love playing mini-games on my tablet, I even havemy favorite site where I visit several times a week to mentally relax. But I do this at home, and not during working hours. And if the game has sound, then I play with headphones or turn off the ability to output music using the button on the tablet. In my opinion, it’s not difficult and you don’t need to be a programmer to find such a button. But Lenochka does not bother herself with caring about the comfort of those around her, she pointedly ignores hints, and apparently there is not enough upbringing.

I don’t want to go into conflict, because... I've been working here for almost a week and I'm not sure whatthe team will support me in the war with the boss’s relative. But I can’t work while listening to the monotonous beeping and simple music that constantly sounds from Lenochka’s workplace. These are not whims - it’s really very difficult for me to concentrate in such specific noise, and my work is complex and responsible, it involves numbers and I have a lot of responsibility.

Please tell me how to solve this situation? I don’t want to let the company down and get fined because someone in the office doesn’t know how or doesn’t want to turn off the sound in their game. thanks foradvice on the matter.

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