What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in raising children?

What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in raising children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know what to do, my mother-in-law is very meddlingraising children (2 and 3 years old). We live together, there is no opportunity to live separately, salaries are small, plus my mother-in-law periodically helps financially. But given all this, she doesn’t understand that we are parents and she is a grandmother! And we must be taken into account. She doesn't listen to our opinions. Okay, Idaughter-in-law , but in response to her son’s opinion on raising his children, she said: “Don’t teach me how to live! I know better how to do it."

They asked not to shower him with gifts, to give gifts only on holidays, he doesn’t listen (we don’t have the opportunity to give giftsevery day , and we think that this spoils them too much). The children did something wrong, dad punished them, put them in a corner, the child cries, she immediately comes up and begins to feel sorry (for the ban on approaching so that the child understands his mistake), she says: “oh well, everything is fine, you can’t punish children.” But it is necessary to explain that they are wrong. We don’t mock the child, we simply put him in a corner.

It turns out that they respect and fear dad, all this test-antibiotic.com dad will say, they do. Grandma is the best! AMom forbids everything, swears and punishes, because she has lost authority on par with her grandmother. Mom makes them sleep, eat, dress, put away toys, etc., and grandmother gives gifts, always takes pity on them and protects them from their parents. It turns out mom is a monster!

I cannot speak for all this, I still live in her apartment, I live partly on hermoney , and besides, who am I to present something, if even my son is not taken into account on this score (we have already argued more than once). I feel like just a governess: the kids are on me, I cook, I clean, I go to the store, I wash, I iron...

I can’t even imagine how to solve the problem. Considering all the points, there are, of course, advantages, considering that my husband and I are under 27 years old (young parents), she sometimes lets us go for a walk (to be alone). But should I really sacrifice my children in favor of my grandmother in order to be alone with my husband? Or devote yourself completely to children and don’t give a damn about the younghusband so that he goes to the left, which will subsequently lead to divorce?


How to come to a common denominator so that both me and my mother-in-law feel good? So that I feel like a mother with children, and not a governess? Do children forget about their mother after grandma rings the doorbell? And mom should cook, clean and wash dishes for everyone, like a maid?

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