My daughter has completely lost her conscience

My daughter has completely lost her conscience
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have no one, just me anddaughter _ I love her, but I can’t understand why she does everything to spite me, ruining her life.

She raised her alone, prepared her for school, but it was as if someone had replaced her: she began to deceive, to do everything for evil. I thought it was a transitional age, but no. Then selfishness and cruelty appeared, the children did not want to play with her, they began to mock her, but I could not persuade her to be simpler, to be like everyone else. She didn’t write lessons and assignments in her diary, IEvery day she learned assignments from her classmates and fought to force her to do them. So we finished 9th grade with grief.

Maybe I shouldn’t have forced her to go to art school. At first she didn’t want to, but then she seemed to start studying, and she draws well. They began to praise her, and flattery is a terrible force, and she liked it.

Then she fell in love, abandoned her studies, and then completely abandoned everything and ran away from home. But I demanded that I transfer to correspondence and finish my studies remotely.

By this time, I had purchased an apartment and issued a deed of gift for my daughter, but now I don’t know what to do. I paid for a year of her training, and still have to pay for a year, she went crazy, she asked me to leave the apartment, but I have to pay for everything, including training. Maybe let her pay for the apartment, for gas, for electricity, forInternet , for water and for studying? After all, she is 22 years old, and I am retired and work so that she cansolve problems .

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