Confessions about confessions

Confessions about confessions
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's been 5 years since I accidentally ended up on the Confessions website. Much has changed since then, many users have “disappeared”, some of them are bright and very interesting interlocutors. New ones came, butThe problems remained the same, human, vital. Some try to solve them, while others help them in this.

We must pay tribute to the administration of the site that they chose a censored and anonymous format, and the site did not turn into a dump of showdowns, swearing and scolding.

What else personally attracts me to this site is different life stories and situations, and how people try to get out of them. You begin to recognize people, how diverse they can be and at the same time very similar. You worry about them, you want to help, because they turned here for help, for advice. And you think: if you helped a person figure it out, showed him the right path, it means that he did a useful thing, and the soul feels good and the mood is uplifted from this.

We all live in the same world, we are all dependent on each other, we willy-nilly touch each other, so everything we do today can come back to us tomorrow.

At I have a few words about myself, what I think and feel about "confessions". I also want to know from the readers of the site, your opinion about it, how it helps you in life. Which of the former users would like to see comments on the pages of the site again?

Read together with it:

  • Что творится у моего парня в голове?
    Рассталась недавно с парнем. Вместе прожили весьма приличный срок. За все прожитые годы много чего с нами происходило, и как-то решали все эти проблемы. Частенько бывало и такое, что расставались, и я на время переезжала к матери. Но все же потом опять мирились и вроде бы все восстанавливалось.Однак...
  • I don't want to go back to work after maternity leave
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  • Should I help my ex-wife?
    I have been reading confessions here for four years now. But I have never written anything myself. I understood that asking for advice in the situation with my ex-wife cheating was pointless.I couldn't go on vacation. I wentwife with a child. She had a holidayaffair with a foreigner 12 years her jun...
  • My granddaughter's bad parents
    MyThe son and his wife lived for only two years. However, they managed to have a child, whom heThe wife took it for herself after the divorce. The granddaughter was only one year old at the time.The divorce was difficult, in court they voiced a banal reason - "their personalities did not get along"....
  • Why do relatives act like this?
    It is very painful when loved ones, such as brothers or sisters, betray you.We had a large family , I am the youngest. My mother died early, and we were left with my father, who drank a lot. My childhood was difficult, and I only had a school education. All the older ones grew up and moved away in d...
  • My husband reproaches me for being on maternity leave
    My husband openly reproaches me for being on maternity leave. The initiative to have a child was entirely his. He was initially looking for a woman to start a family, have children with, and he found me. Already in the first year of marriage he was worried that there were no children for a long time...
  • I betrayed my friend and I don’t know how to make amends
    Betrayed a close friend, one might even say a kindred spirit. Her name is Vika.We met in the 6th grade (I transferred to another school). At first I didn't really like her, and she didn't like me either, but gradually we got closer and by the 8th grade we were already getting along great, and by the...
  • Problems in personal life
    I am 24 years old, I have a law degree. I am an interesting young man, I am interested in history, geography, walks. I like gardening, which may seem strange for my age. I do not drink or smoke.Unfortunately, I still don't have itgirls . I have big ones.problems to get to know them. There have never...
  • How to forget the past and improve your life?
    Over the past 5 years, I have achieved nothing and made absolutely absurd, illogical decisions - I moved to another country, wearing rose-colored glasses, without thinking at all, I decided to change my specialty, although everything was fine with me. I also did not build a personal life, all attemp...
  • I am married but live without a husband.
    In my student years I met a guy, everything was fine, like everyone else. Our problems started when we started living together. He couldn't or didn't want to find a job. I worked alone. I was pretty fed up with it, and I almost decided to leave him for another, but something stopped me, and I stayed...