How to leave your loved one when he humiliates you?

How to leave your loved one when he humiliates you?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Every person wants to be happy. I wanted it too. I really wanted to. I waited... But if I knew that I would have to pay dearly for it, then this “wanting” would have disappeared at the speed of light.

My happiness lay in the fact that I met a person whom I really fell in love with, for the first time in my life, it was mutual. All was good. I didn’t even believe that this could happen to me. We were always together, he was proud of me, showed me to his friends, said that I was his most beautiful. We were like children, yes, little children who walk in parks, go to the movies, to cafes.

This went on for about six months. Then all hell broke loose. He began to reproach me for allegedly being fat, fat, etc., then the insults towards me began even more harshly. I understood that I was behaving like a wuss, but I couldn’t leave him. I just believed that everything would be the same as before, I thought that these were temporary difficulties, but again I was wrong.

Further - worse. He began to constantly find fault with me, that I don’t dress like, I don’t wear makeup the way he likes, in general he began to say that we are not suitable for each other, I am not suitable for him, he said that he is too good for me . But for some reason he didn’t leave. He insulted and humiliated me as much as possible, but did not abandon me. But I endured, I didn’t want to live without him, I didn’t see the point without him, I forgave him everything.

One day we had a big fight. He called at night and said that we needed to break up. He knew that I was very worried about all our disagreements and swearing, but still, without thinking about me, he said this at night. I cried all night, didn’t sleep for about a week, and stopped eating. I don’t even remember how I lived through that period. Two months passed in one day, andEvery day it’s the same thing, home and work and that’s it. I forgot about friends, about relatives, I lived on my own. As a result, on the scales - 17 kg, my nerves completely failed.

He recently saw me and didn’t recognize me. Passed by. In the evening, a message from him on VK: “Forgive me, bring me back to you.” I understand that this is impossible, nothing will change, he will find a new niggle, but I want himreturn , what to do, how not to allow yourself to give up.


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