How to get out of this impasse?

How to get out of this impasse?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son is 24 years old. Circumstances so happened that we ended up in a village, and previously lived in the city.

He worked over the summer, now there is no work, and of course there is no money. We have a big house, but he lives in the bathhouse, sleeps during the day, and sits at the computer at night. Doesn't go anywhere and doesn't communicate with anyone.

When I want to talk to him frankly, he avoids the conversation. This is starting to scare me, but I don’t know what to do. And I myself am not in the best condition right now. The pension is small, there is no work, in general, complete poverty.

The man with whom I lived for 9 years simply ran away, but still I am more concerned about the condition of my son. He might have left, but where? I went to work twice, there was deception everywhere, they promised one thing, but in reality it turned out something else.