This is the best thing I could do for my son

This is the best thing I could do for my son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son is very calm and reasonable. I studied well at school, and after school I went to college. I also studied at college without any problems and received a diploma as a surveyor technician.

My son grew up with my parents, since I gave birth to him without a father, I had to work and help them. Whenthe son grew up, he could no longer leave and leave my elderly parents, at most 3 days, and then asked to come back to them. As a result, he grew up dependent. Until you say it, it won't do anything. This lack of independence manifested itself in everything.

This started to irritate me. And now my son arrives from another city with a diploma, I secretly call the military registration and enlistment office. A car immediately arrives and picks him up. He is currently serving in the South. Now I began to understand that it might be difficult for him there, and he is suffering. Maybe I shouldn’t have handed him over to the army? But I just thought that at least in the army he would become an independent and strong guy. May God give him the strength to serve with dignity. Still, if he had test-antibiotic.comfather , everything would be different.

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