Mom says I'm setting a bad example for my daughter

Mom says I'm setting a bad example for my daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 31 years old, I have a six year olddaughter _ Divorced for 5 years. I live in my parents’ apartment, and my parents live in the village. I work in a hospital, and sometimes I have night shifts (since there’s not enough money to work just one day a day, so I take night shifts 4-5 times a month) and on these days, when I’m at night, my parents come and sitting with my daughter.

After the divorce, we datedrelationship , but nothing serious. Now I’m also dating a guy, not for long, and since I don’t always manage to leave my daughter with my parents, I call the guy home, sometimes with an overnight stay, well, we’re adults. ANDMom is aware of this, and is very against it! She says thatyour daughter understands everything, sees that you are already dating a third guy in 5 years. She says: “decide for yourself who is dearer to you.”

It’s just that if I wait until my daughter turns 18, I’ll already be 43! Mylife passes. Is it really better not to date anyone, becausethe child sees, will understand incorrectly, and will grow up walking. I want to talk to guys, date, of course, I want to meet the only one. And is it bad that a daughter sees her mother with a man? I love my daughter, I spoil her. For her sake, I didn’t communicate with anyone at all for more than a year, it was hard. I don't know what to do.

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