Mom demands to give the apartment to my brother

Mom demands to give the apartment to my brother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At 20, my dad made a deed of gift for a one-room apartment. I am registered there and am the owner.

I went outget married at 24 in another city, but with the condition thatMy husband then has to move to my hometown and register with me. My mother-in-law said then: "Let's make the wedding more modest, but I'll buy them an apartment in your city." ButMom said I haveapartment .

Years later, when I have 3 sons and my husband bought a three-room apartment, my mother wants me to sell my one-room apartment to buy a cottage incredit . Mom, dad and unmarried brother live in a three-room apartment. I don't want to sell my apartment because I want to leave it to one of my sons.

Mom is arguing with me. I explain that I need it because I have three sons. I said that they gave it to me! Mom says that they changed their minds and that she is thinking about her son and wants to leave him the cottage as well. Well, I am not against it, but why at the expense of my apartment, which I want to leave to the eldest child, and he will soon get married. Mom does not hear me. She says that I stole their father's house from them.

My conscience torments me and I think that they are being unfair to me.

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