My son has become a stranger, although I am not guilty of anything in front of him.

My son has become a stranger, although I am not guilty of anything in front of him.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy son was always very close to me, and not only to me, but also to my sisters and brother. I have four children, so we were a very close-knit family.

The children grew up and moved to live in another city. With three children I have very goodrelationship , but the eldest son has become distant. He has become a stranger, sometimes he doesn’t call for three months or even more. I can call once a week, and even then he doesn’t pick up the phone, he writes a text message that he has no time.

I want to note that I try to communicate with him very unobtrusively, I do not control himlife . Now he is almost 26 years old. At 20, he decided to live separately and moved to the city. I always support my children, and if necessary, I will help as much as I can, but even so, my son remains a stranger. He may not come home at all for a year. I do not ask for much, I tell him that at least just write me a text message that you are alive, healthy and I do not need anything else.

Someone might think that maybe the company is bad or even worse drugs, but no, he has a good job, he is in a management position, good friends,apartment , car, and although he rarely communicates with his sisters and brother, they sometimes meet, but I can’t even get a text message. I can at least find out something about him from social networks. I’ve gone over everything in my memory that I could have offended my son, and I can’t find any reasons, because everything was fine until he was twenty.

When my children were in school, I did not deprive any of them of attention and love, together with them I participated in contests, olympiads, competitions. I sewed New Year's costumes for everyone myself, by the way, he has a good relationship with his dad, apparently he understands that it is harder to ignore dad. We always had small family traditions, drinking tea together in the evening or everyone always arrangedBirthday party . The children were always dressed, shod, the house was always full of their friends. But only my son became a stranger. I must have done something wrong for my son, somewhere I missed the moment when he began to distance himself .

I really want to ask him: “Son, how could we come to this, you are my firstborn, it was with you that I first learned about motherhood, come back son, at least call, I miss your love so much.” It is very painful when the connection between close people is broken.

And finally, I want to say, mommies, love your boys, soak them uplove while they are little and reach out to you. Accumulate this love so that later you can remember these moments and bask in them. Someone will say that it is stupid to love like that, but love is self-sacrifice, I would give my life for my children, and I will not stop waiting and hoping that my son will finally call me. Moms, hold on, and believe, everything will work out. Happiness and love to all.

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