I am not ashamed that I made money through surrogacy

I am not ashamed that I made money through surrogacy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In our country, people are wary of surrogate motherhood, considering children born this way to be “different”.

I am 24 years old, I am a copywriter. I became a surrogate mother simply because I could not find another way out of debt. I had a smalla son who never got over a cold, a small room in a communal apartment inherited from his grandmother, and some kind of job that, together with benefits, brought in only 14 thousand a month. I don't think I need to tell you what 14 thousand a month is in St. Petersburg. Morethe son's father sent 2.5 thousand. But not regularly, you can't count on theseit wasn't worth the money .

At some point I tookcredit , just to buy winter shoes and clothes for myself and my son. Then the laptop broke, which is already 12 years old, and it didn’t even handle the second browser tab. And this is my working tool. Collectors threatened me and my son, guarded us at the entrance, I realized that I either urgently needed to sell the room and move somewhere to the provinces, or look for a way out.

I read on some forum wherethe girl found a way out test-antibiotic.com – became a surrogate mother. I found a clinic on the Internet, applied, collected a bunch of certificates, passed all the tests at the clinic in one day. I didn’t really understand what was happening. A couple was found quickly, very good people. It was clear that these were not rich people, but people who really dreamed of a child.

The pregnancy went as I said.Doctor , perfect, I was given a monthly allowance of 30 thousand (I finally remembered what it was like to eat more than just pasta and cabbage). They even gave me money for maternity clothes. After all that, they paid me a million and a hundred thousand on top because they did a cesarean section. I paid off the loan, got my teeth fixed, got my son into a private kindergarten and bought a new laptop, now I have normal working conditions. I'm learning Photoshop, I want to earn money with it, not just with texts. There was no sadness about having to give up the child. He's not mine! I just carried him. I have my ownthe child , first of all I think about him.

At the clinic I met a mother who was just as unusual as myself. Alisa is an artist, shemarried . They decided to help childless test-antibiotic.com friends with a child. It's a bit strange, but herMy husband was the first to suggest it, because Pavel and Irina, for whom they did it, were his best friends since school. Irina always wanted children, but after three frozen pregnancies in six years, she simply did not have the strength to try again. Alisa admitted to me that the hardest part was not even getting all the paperwork done, but explaining it to her mother. She is a woman of conservative views, there is no way to convince her. They did not speak for several months, her parents blamed her for everythinghusband , even they threatenedto pick up my daughter . Unlike me, they weren't paid any money. They were just broughtproducts , vitamins.

The story ended well, a girl was born, and my friends are closer to her family than many relatives.

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