My little sister made a mistake

My little sister made a mistake
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are three daughters in our family. I am the oldest. My story about the youngest. My youngestmy sister is the pride of our family, our parents' favorite, and we all love her very much. She was always an excellent student at school, the school was even proud of her, since she won the math Olympiad. Then my sister graduated from school, entered a prestigiousuniversity on a budget basis. She studied well there too, the university even sent her to the USA for a vacation. My sister studies at the faculty of foreign languages. Everything was good and everyone was always happy with her.

And then my little sister, who had never done anything and was not interested in anything except studying, suddenly fell in love. She had been dating her boyfriend for almost 2 years. They were the same age and wrote their thesis together in their fifth year. Everything was fine, but suddenly she calls me and cries, very upset, says thatpregnant and already 6 weeks. Doesn't know what to do, so she called to at least confess to someone and ask for advice. She hasn't decided to tell her parents yet, but called me as an older sister.

I am shocked by this news, it is all so unexpected and so unlike her. We live in Central Asia, and it has always been customary for us to go outmarry a virgin. Here people are very strict about this, harshly condemning girls who do not adhere to this rule. And there is another problem: will he acceptthis guy's family is pregnant, and if they do, how will they treat her there? I'm really worried about my sister, I don't know how to tell my parents, and I don't know what to advise her either. I'm really sorry that she did this, ruined her lifefuture . I love her very much and want everything to be good for her.

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