The guy decided that he could control my apartment.

The guy decided that he could control my apartment.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 28 years old. I've been dating my boyfriend for 2 years. We've been living together for half a year. We rent an apartment. He pays the rent, andproducts , when as. My parents bring a lot of products from the village (he is a city dweller), and I often go to the store myself. Plus cleaning and cooking are completely on me. I provide for myself, clothes, manicure and other feminine needs. I paidcar loan . I work at a normal job, plus I earn extra money.

A year ago, my parents gave me 300 thousand rubles for a down payment. I took out a mortgage. I paid it myself the whole year. The guy didn't even know what date my payment was. I got the keys. Now it's gettingquestion about repairs. Again, my parents are ready to help me, plus I have an older onebrother , who also offered financialhelp .

Today I had a huge fight with my boyfriend. It all started when he started saying that when the time comes to expand, we will sell this apartment. I said that we will not sell. I am from the village, and I could never dream of having my own place. My parents saved up for a long time, and we are not even married yet, and already such conversations. And in general, all this will be seen. I felt very unpleasant that he is dividing something for which he has not yet given a penny. Please tell me, how would you react?

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