The third marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful.

The third marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is my thirdmarriage , in which we lived together for 20 years. The first was really a "marriage" and there was practically no good family life, we lived for a year, and at 22 I was already divorced with a child in my arms.

The second marriage was after 9 years. Goodrelationship ,love andsex , but there were drugs, and at 32 she was left a widow. By that time my son was starting to go through puberty, and I began to fear that I couldn’t cope alone. I met throughInternet of todayhusband , after a short time he proposed, and I happily agreed. He is decent, nice, smiling, and I wanted another child. I had to leave my job and move in with my husband.

From the very beginning, something was wrong in intimacy, but I did not attach any importance to it, but I could not understand what was the matter. It seemed that everything was fine for both of us, but I rarely got pleasure from it. After 10 years of living together, I caught myself thinking that the number of my satisfactions could be counted on my fingers. Gradually, the desire began to fade.

Two years ago new employees appeared at work, they came for six months on an exchange. A relationship started with one,correspondence , but it didn't get to sex. The guy is much younger than me, but I, realizing the absurdity of the situation, got totally turned on. I couldn't get him out of my head. He flirted and was gallant. A completely different type than minehusband - soft tone, gentle hands. When my husband strokes me, I don't feel tenderness, just mechanics. At that time I feltlife , my self-esteem increased, I learned to do things that I would not have been able to do without such a boost. At that time, my sexuality increased so much that my sex with my husband became fantastic.

The guy left, but the correspondence remained. His messages made me happy, and this reflected positively on my intimacy with my husband. A year ago, my husband hacked the password on my phone and found a photo of the guy and discovered that he was on my social networks. And then it all started! I would rather be happy if he filed for divorce himselfdivorce . I stopped wanting him, and I can hardly influence this. It seems to me that this is something that does not always depend on us, that is, it is not the head that decides here. But he decided to save the marriage. We lived together for a long time and I think I can rely on him, but I am not always sure whether I can trust him. He has always been super controlling and limited me in many ways. My relationship with him all these years cannot be called happy, a lot of quarrels, misunderstandings, sarcasm, but also a lot of help and support.

Everything is not clear. I have been standing at this crossroads for a year now and I don’t know what to do. Even if I decide in my head that it is better to save the relationship, the family for the children and avoid loneliness, thenmy body and what to do with it next? And for a year now I've been walking around like I'm in water, as if I was pulled out of an outlet.

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