Is it possible to live life alone?

Is it possible to live life alone?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It just so happens that I am absolutely not good at social interaction. I just don't know what it is.

In any group, I am an outcast. At school, at university, at work. I can't say that I was bullied. They just don't and haven't accepted me as I am. I am quiet and uncommunicative. And for everyone, this is something extraordinary, wild. Although I know several people like me, but everyone treated them normally, invited them to go for a walk, communicated with them normally, tried to start a conversation with them, etc. This is forgiven to everyone except me. That is, to themthe attitude is “he’s normal, quiet, calm,” and to me “oh well, he’s some kind ofstrange , tense, some kind of brake." I can just feel how uncomfortable he or she is with me. Although I do nothing for this. With girls, it is clear that there was nothing either, except formoney .

I tried to fit in and become one of them in every way. And I changed my behavior, tried to be more active, tried to invite them to go somewhere, start a conversation, asked questions to which I know the answer, just so that I wouldn’t be awkwardly silent again, all to no avail. It got even worse, there were constant misunderstandings in conversations, and in general I felt unnatural. It turns out that social interaction,friendship andI'm just not cut out for relationships . Maybe it's just because it's too late for me to change, since I'm almost 30 years old.

Based on this, I have a question: “Is it really possible to"Is it possible to live life alone without friends and love? Without everything that youth gives to normal people. If it is real, then how can I perceive the fact that I am deprived of almost everything that others have? How can I perceive young companies or guys and girls hugging and holding hands in my old age, realizing that I did not have and will not have all this?"

Because I already see all this, it's like a fire alarm is whining inside me. It's just that youth is wasted. No hanging out with friends, no traveling, no relationships, no dates. Nothing. Emptiness. And I understand this, but I don't know what to do with this understanding. Moreover, it seems to me that after 25 years, time goes by very quickly. Almost like lightning.

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