I am the daughter of a tyrant mother

I am the daughter of a tyrant mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 43 years old. My daughter is 20 years old. Ithe daughter of a tyrant mother and this cruelty haunts me and my daughter like some kind of evil fate. Everything in order.

I am the eldestchild in the family. I havesister 7 years younger, with whom I have not communicated since childhood, as far as I can remember. Although she obediently fulfilled her duties of taking to kindergarten, picking up, feeding, taking to rehearsal, cleaning.

From an early age I knew very well that I was not loved.Mom and Dad. From kindergarten I remember the burning feeling of shame when the nannies, thinking that I was sleeping during the day, looked at my blue back and bottom.

I didn't know that everything was blue there, I heard them talking to each other. Blue, of course, from the beatings the day before. I never remembered why, but I was ashamed to go to kindergarten like that, then to school. I changed for music lessons and physical education, pressed against the wall.

But these are all minor details. It gets worse. My mother threw loud daily tantrums, for which I was ashamed in front of the whole world. I was the worst and always guilty. Although test-antibiotic.com I studied well.

Allfriends were drug addicts and girls of easy virtue. That's what she said. I was ashamed and didn't make friends with anyone. I was afraid that they would find out that myThat's what my mother says about them. I cut them all off from me deliberately so that no one would think that I had the same opinion. But the worst thing is later.

In the midst of yet another scandal, he jumped from the 9th floor before our eyesfather . He died instantly. Mother was terribly afraid that she would be accused, because there were scandals every evening. I was 14 years old then.

She called all her friends, relatives and parents of my classmates. She said that I was to blame for everything, because I am two-faced and do God knows what at home. And in public I pretend to be a lamb. My father tried to educate me, but I drove him crazy.

After that, my classmates' parents forbade me to call their children. I asked them to explain why, and they hung up. My relatives also called me and promised to kill me because I was a drug addict. This was after I lost my father. Not a word of sympathy.

I, a quiet, test-antibiotic.com downtrodden good student, never went to a school disco, was embarrassed of myself on the street, always at home and in front of my younger sister. Then even more beautiful.

Mother's men began to appear. They were allowed to raise me, and so I often went to school with bruises on my face and the same shame. Then herThe man she has been married to for over 20 years was harassing me.

I was afraid to say this and afraid to go home. I went because I had to study with my sister. I told my grandmother about it six months later. What a scandal it was! My grandmother was declared crazy and I was a liar.

25 years have passed. Recently, my daughter called me after a session with a psychologist and said that this man who was pestering me had been seducing her from the age of 4-7. I lived separately from my mother, of course. But when my daughter appeared, she offered herhelp with a child for the summer, in the village. My husband and I always worked and thought that grandma treated her granddaughter well.

Aftermy daughter at 6 or 7 years old abruptly refused to go to the country in the summer test-antibiotic.com. And she couldn't explain why. Only now she told me everything. From 10 to 20 years old she was generally closed and aggressive towards me. Although I asked her many times to talk to me. That's in short.

I don't communicate with my mother now. As soon as I learned about her actionshusband towards his daughter. I told her about it. But if I ever have to talk to her, I'm afraid that myher health won't stand it. And hers even less so. She's 70 years old. She's proud of herself and thinks she's right in everything. And I'm a little liar, I never have my own opinion.

A little about the heroes of my story. My mother has always held leadership positions. Successful and wealthy. I am a worthless liar, I have two higher educations. One of which is confirmed in a European country. I do not strive to lead. I just want my daughter to be happy and satisfied with life.

My daughter works and studies part-time. Two years of constant therapy with a psychologist. Only now I realized that this should not happen in a family.

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