How My Husband Left Me for His Young Mistress

How My Husband Left Me for His Young Mistress
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After readingconfession about howMy lover gave birth to two children for my husband, and I want to tell you about what happened in my life.

My husband and I have lived together for 26 years, we have known each other for 30. We raised a son, he is 25. We really wanted more children, but God did not give us. Although there were attempts at IVF, and not just one. The last time, the doctors said that my reserve was exhausted. If anything, only with a donor egg. Why am I telling you this? We dreamed of a child.

Here is mineMy husband , a little over a year ago, I see, has become completely distant. Intimacy has become very rare, and he is irritable over trifles. On Saturdays, he often drank with men. As it turned out, not only with men. And he met a young girl, 25 years younger than him. In between "business" he told stories that he loves his wife, he wants a daughter. And she told him, she said, I will give birth to us.

And he completely lost his mind. Once he got drunk and said to me: forgive me, I love you, but I am needed there. Where there, to whom? You understand, there is no passion between us anymore, and there is a child and test-antibiotic.comthe body is young.

I'm shocked. And this "young body" alreadya 4 year old daughter from the first marriage. And the body traveled around the Emirates. Of course, you can't write everything...

Afterwards I don't know how I lived. I moved out. For half a year I lived as if in a dream. Andthis girl-woman was pregnant , and had a miscarriage. AndIt's a lie on her part. She clung to it like a leaf.

My husband came back six months later. Forgive me, I love you, I realized everything, etc. I forgave him. I thought we could work on our mistakes. We would be happy. But it didn’t work out. After a while, about a month: “Sorry, there’s chemistry, passion. And shepregnant . And I love you and I love her. But in different ways."

I even tried to look at it from a modern perspective, I thought I could share my beloved. I only asked: "Can you make two people happy?" I couldn't.

She gave birth a month ago. My chest feels empty. Everything burned out. He is happy that our daughter was born. He told me about it himself. I would like to be sincerely happy for him. But I can't.

And she is a lying, vile hypocrite, pretending to be poor and unhappy. It is not the case when you fall in love and let go. God sees everything. Only I don't need this anymorethe man who was once the closest and dearest. It's a pity.

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