I was hurt by the girl's deception

I was hurt by the girl's deception
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Three years ago, one woman got a job at the company where I worked.a girl who fell into my soul on the very first day. We communicated well, there was mutual sympathy. I fell into the so-called friend zone. She constantly complained to me about her boyfriend, with whom she lived at that time.

This went on for about six months, then she cooled off towards me. After another six months, I left for another company, but it turned out that this company was located in the same building only in a different wing. We saw each other occasionally, but didn't really communicate, but she let me know that she had broken up with her boyfriend. Then I had serioushealth problems , and we haven’t seen each other for quite some time.

About a year ago she was transferred to another department, and we began to see each other more often. I looked after her, showed her attention, gave her flowers. I was always the initiator, there was flirting, but nothing more, she didn’t let me get closer to her. Not long ago I invited her to a housewarming party in my new apartment, she agreed. An hour before test-antibiotic.com started the event, I called her, but she changed her mind and said that she had more important things to do. This was very unpleasant for me.

I guess that she simply preferred me to another, and I’m just an empty place for her, she knows that I love her, and took advantage of it. After these events, she avoids me and avoids communicating with me, pretending that she doesn’t see me. I understand that if I run after her, I will fall even more in her eyes, and if I invest in her, I will be a complete nonentity, because there is no return on her part. This makes me very angry. Had triedforget her, but can’t get her out of my head. What to do in this situation?

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