People like this annoy me

People like this annoy me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was at the beauty salon today. While the master was doing my manicure, I came for a haircuta girl of about thirty. I have never met such talkative people. In those twenty minutes that she had her hair cut, we learned everything about her life. Even the smallest details.

She started from the very beginning, saying that she was sorry that she had grown her hair so long because she was very busy. At first it was quarantine, then I became seriously illmother , whom she is now caring for. The girl chose to talk about this process with all the subtleties. Apparently, she wanted to emphasize how hard it was for her.

Then she said that she had a fight with her boyfriend because she couldn’t meet him because of her mother’s illness. Now, out of spite, he is on a dating site. Then we found out why she urgently needs to get her hair cut. It turned out that she had a job interview tomorrow.

Then she smoothly switched to the former boss, and we got the opinion that this was a real monster. The girl spoke almost the same way about her neighbors, who annoyed her with their behavior. It was not possible to find out the reason because her phone rang. The master waited with displeasure for her to finish the conversation.

It was not entirely pleasant to hear such details. But when she left, the discussion beganthe girls are already salon staff. If I were them, I would refrain from making any comments in the presence of clients. But apparently they are not familiar with the sense of tact.

During this hour and a half, I also had to listen to a telephone conversation from one of the men's haircut masters. He talked right at his workplace, because, being a person of a different nationality, he spoke his own language. Apparently, he decided that we don’t understand anything anyway, so there’s no need to go outside.

I am very pleased with the manicure, but not so much with the atmosphere of the salon. Most likely I won't go there again.

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