My husband left me with my little daughter

My husband left me with my little daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Formermy husband left me with a small child, my daughter was barely a year old then. One day he packed his things and left, saying that he had met another. It was so unexpected that I could not recover for another year, I had a terrible depression. Two years later I met a man who helped me get through it all. Now I have a beautifulfamily , there is a son from the second marriage, daughter Lesya is already 10 years old. She has an excellent relationship with my husband, he loves her like his own, and she does not even know that this is not her own father. Then the ex-husband did not communicate with her, did not pay alimony, and we decided that she was small, she did not remember him at all, so why should she know and worry that she did not have her own father.

Everything was fine until my ex-husband recently showed up, something didn’t work out with his personal life, and he decided that he could return to me. The fact that I could be married never occurred to him, even, on the contrary, was very surprised by this. Now he has become jealous of me, threatening to tell my daughter that he is her real father, and this is someone else's uncle. I don’t want Lesya to worry about this, I ask him not to spoil the life of me and the child, because he himself left us. I try not to show him my concern, I tell him that this will not change anything, even if my daughter finds out everything, then I will tell her how he left her little one.

It was not possible to hide this from my husband, he saw that I was constantly upset, I had to tell the truth. He reassured me that there was nothing wrong with Lesya finding out the truth, she was no longer small, she would be able to understand, anyway, someday she would have to tell her about it. But still, he decided to talk to my ex-husband, and I was not even surprised when he asked us for money in exchange for silence. We refused, now we decide to prepare our daughter and tell her everything ourselves. How this will end, I do not know, but I am very worried. I would like to know someone else's opinion, what would you do in my place

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