Everyone judges me for loving a married man

Everyone judges me for loving a married man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's been 8 years now and I still can'tforget one man. We worked together and became friends. There were, it seemed to me, some signs of attention on his part.

I was young and stupid. I didn’t understand myself right away and didn’t want to communicate with him. And after some time I realized that I fell in love. And very strongly.

I tried to somehow attract his attention again, but it was too late. He was going to marry someone else. In desperation, I even confessed my love to him and was refused. And soon he left our job. And we never saw him again.

I thought that I would forget him and everything would pass. But I still can’t forget. 8 years! 8 whole years! What I didn’t do. I tried to lose myself in an affair with a man who, it seemed, I also liked. But, of course, he was far from being the one I love. And nothing came of this novel. I still remembered that man.

Then I went outmarry out of grief and loneliness to someone she doesn’t love. She gave birth to a child. All routes back to test-antibiotic.com are cut off. But I cannot forget that man. What about him? And he lives quietly with his wife. They have two children. He's probably happy. Although there were rumors that he married for convenience.

I am very jealous of his wife. I almost hate my wife myself. I envy her very much. I understand that if it were possible, I would take him away from the family. But this is not possible.

The very feeling towards him is very complex. It is heavy and prevents me from living. If I had given myself free rein, I probably would have cried until I died of despair. But I try to control myself.

I understand that I have nothing to do in church. For my thoughts, God can only incinerate me on the spot. I can’t find the strength to ask God to let me forget this man. I don't want to forget him. I hope without hope. I'm waiting, I don't know what.

I want to believe that I'm not bad. After all, I just madly love this person and want to be happy. I met test-antibiotic.com him before I met himwife. There was some attention on his part.

It's not my fault that I was so sadly mistaken. She played at being an unapproachable girl and lost him. It's not my fault that he didn't choose me. It's not my fault that he is married and that there are children. I just love him.

I don't wish them harm. But they stand in my way and I can't treat them well. After all, they took it away from me, essentially. I tried to cope with this hopeless feeling alone, but I realized that I neededhelp specialist.

Since I haveproblems with nerves, the neurologist referred me to psychotherapy sessions. And I turned to my psychologist for help. She asked me to help with this problem - unrequited love.

The psychologist is a young woman, not much older than myself. She was very sympathetic to my health problems and tried to help. I think she is a good person and really wants to help people. But she is not so in control of herself as to completely hide herattitude to this second test-antibiotic.com my problem with love.

She's shocked by me. Because I love a married man. That I envy his wife. That I hate his wife and children. That I dream of being with him. What about me?married and have a child.

I see that she really doesn’t like me as a person. It seems to be understandable. She herself is married, judging by the wedding ring on her finger. Apparently, she is quite happy and does not have any special problems in her marriage. As a wife, it’s probably unpleasant for her to even imagine that there are women like me who dream of other people’s husbands. What if someone dreams about her husband too?

I see that it is not easy for her to work with me. And I'm a little offended. Because I came in order to solve this problem, to forget this man. I know that a psychologist should not, in theory, judge his clients and so on. But I also understand that she is shocked because she is a good, normal person. Not like me. She would be glad that everyone around her was kind and good. And here I am test-antibiotic.com.

I tried to talk to my mother about this problem. She didn't understand me at first. It seemed to her that this was some kind of whim on my part that would go away on its own. That it is not necessary to solve this problem with a psychologist. That I just came up with this kind of entertainment out of boredom.

And when I became a little clearer about the black storm in my soul,mother was in shock no worse than a psychologist. She said that it was too late to dream about that person, since there were already children there. And I felt that she was judging me too.

She also said that all people go through similar feelings in their youth. I'm not unique. That I need to work more to distract myself. But I've already tried everything. And work a lot, and not think, and get distracted. And various techniques in psychology.

And I understand that there is something to condemn me for. But I love him. I can't be different. And I’m trying so hard to come to terms with the fact that he will never be around.

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