They want to fire me because of an employee's gossip

They want to fire me because of an employee's gossip
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After maternity leave, I went back to work; at that time I worked in the accounting department, 20 minutes drive from the city. A month later, I was offered a transfer in the same organization to a lower position only in my city, but with the same salary, I agreed to be closer to the child.

In an office of three people (chief accountant, deputy and I), I seemed to have found a common language, and for six months there were no signs of trouble, work and home. And one day during reporting, we went out to work on the weekend in order to get everything done, I went into the ladies’ room for a minute and, returning, overheard the conversation of my colleagues. The deputy spoke to Ch. accountant that you need to make me go out on Sunday and don’t care what myproblems , we have quarterly reporting and that’s it! And before that, there was a conversation that I couldn’t go out on Sundays, because I live in a private house without gas and water, without my husband with my mother and child, I need to fetch water into the bathhouse, heat the bathhouse, then do the washing by hand and wash it. In short, going to work on Sunday is not an option.

I later decided to talk to the instigator of the conversation and find out in an amicable way why she was doing this, so that Ch. Was the accountant mad at me? To which she received the answer that she saw no point in talking about it, because she was right, that you need to put work first, and only then your personal problems, and no one cares how you wash, do laundry and take care of the child.

She could understand me, since she herself lived in a one-room apartment without renovation, in which there was a stench from cat feces, which she bred for sale. She lived with a partner who was 12 years younger than her and often changed jobs due to the fact that he did not find contacts with colleagues and was fired for gossip. In addition, he had a loan at an awesome interest rate from one of the banks, which he took out to study for the daughter of our deputy and to buy a used cornfield. As a result, the debt amounted to about a million, and we ended up quarreling.

Well, at that moment I thought that this one was oursThe quarrel will disappear in a couple of days, but no. The deputy at was so angry about this conversation that she set out to get me fired, and lied to everyone’s face without blushing that I couldn’t handle the job, and that she was doing all the work for me. This went on for two years. Since there was no evidence other than her words, and I had nowhere to go to get a job, so I endured it. Two years later, the chief accountant retired and was replaced bya girl who was on maternity leave for all these two years, and before the maternity leave was her deputy. Life began to get better, for two years we were friends with the new chapter. accountant, did not react to the attacks of our thirdcolleagues , and now two years later new problems just started pouring in.

The child was diagnosed with a heart defect, I had to look for a good doctor, I withdrew into myself from worries, began to communicate less with my colleague at work, and here was a new misfortune. At this time, the quarrelsome third colleague reported to Ch. some gossip to the accountant that I supposedly tell everyone that my chief. The accountant fails to complete his work on time. That believed her and began to bully me and fill me with empty work, and began monitoring every 15 minutes whether I completed the task or not. As a result, a conflict occurred in a raised voice. Now I don’t know what to do, because I have nowhere to go and get a job, and the child needs food andmedications , I’m having a nervous breakdown, lack of desire to live, resentment for a false accusation. And the boss continues to make me look like a bad employee, to the delight of that goat. I tried more than once to talk to her and find out what happened? Who said what? But she did not answer calls and SMS, and turned away during a personal conversation. I understand that this won’t last forever, but now it’s so hard mentally.

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