Large family - vaccination against motherhood

Large family - vaccination against motherhood
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I come from a large family and therefore I have no children. I got married late, I was still looking for a man who also didn’t need children. My poor childhood inoculated me forever against maternal instinct.

My parents are believers and believed that there should be as many children as God gives. Well, he gave seven, I was the fourth. We lived in a village, so I won’t say that we were starving, but for this we worked seven days a week. And a large vegetable garden, and a bird, two cows, so that there is enough food for everyone. But I don’t even want to remember what we were wearing. I still can'tforget how I had nothing to wear to prom.

My friends’ parents bought or sewed new dresses, but I didn’t even have a decent old one. My neighbor gave me hers, which was a little big because she was older than me, but I was happy with that too.

After that, I promised myself to learn how to earn good money and never have children, but to live for myself. When I was studying at a technical school, I gave half of the scholarship to my parents. I denied myself everything.

But I achieved my goal. Today I have two higher educations, work in a very prestigious company, and I travel a lot. I lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a cosmetologist and the gym. I live as I dreamed as a child.

The absence of my children is compensated by my nephews, of whom I already have six. When I want to communicate with them, I go to visit them for a week and that’s enough for me. I help my brothers and sisters financially, I buy a lot of things for their children.

Relatives do not approve of “my behavior”; they say that at least onethere must be a child . But I can’t understand who owes whom. OurThe family has already exceeded the plan in this regard, but I want to live exactly like this and don’t think about old age. Not all parents become supported by their children in old age; quite the contrary. It was so worth dedicating yourlife for children, live only for them?

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