My fragile happiness

My fragile happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Over the years in my life, I have met many different people. Some pretended to be kind and polite, hiding under a mask of indifference. Others were arrogant, wearing imaginary crowns of omnipotence.

Everyone’s goal was only their own benefit and well-being. They were ready to go through the destinies of others for the sake of their own well-being. The men behaved differently. They tried to achieve only intimacy with eloquence, money, invented stories and compliments. Not getting what they wanted, they tried to destroy it by all means. I've lost faith inlove , trust and kindness.

One day I was surfing social networks, and in a group of animal lovers I saw a very cute and incredibly mysterious man with a cat. I am a timid person by nature, but as if an unknown force forced me to write to him. Unexpectedly for me, he answered me and almost immediately we started a conversation.

From that day on, we talked for days on end. By asking him questions, I received my own answers. We had so much in common that it was like a dream. As strange as it may sound, my soul became attached to him before meeting with him. We were afraid to meet for a long time to avoid disappointment. In a short period of time, he became the dearest person on earth to me.

The day of the expected meeting arrived. I didn’t leave the mirror, I was worried every second. Various thoughts came to me. Evening came and he called. I drank sedatives and went to him. When I arrived at the appointed place, he was not there yet, and out of excitement I wanted to run. When he approached me, at that moment, it was as if the ground had fallen under my feet. I was so afraid of not liking him that I didn’t have the courage to look him in the eyes. We went up to his office. We sat down on the sofa and I will probably never forget that moment. Looking into his most charming, huge, mysterious eyes, I disappeared into them forever. We hugged each other, and I realized that I had been waiting for him all my life.

He is a man from another planet of incredible beauty, tranquility, and something inexplicable. I fell in love with him so much that I forgot everything around me. From happiness I wanted to fly without stopping. He treated me wonderfully, gave me no reason to doubt, and it seemed to me that this was for life. After the white stripe came a dark one. Telling your loved ones about yourFortunately , they began to brazenly interfere in my life. Instead of support, I received negativity from them. The envy of my own aunt, who all my life accused me of devoting her life to me and not building her personal life, and went ahead of her. In all known and unknown ways, she did everything to make me lose him. Drankevery day . She created scandals, turned me against and poisoned my mood every day.

I began to treat him unfairly. Due to the lack of mental balance, I lost control of myself and destroyed normal communication with jealousy. And my aunt dealt the final blow by calling him and saying terrible words, which completely destroyed our relationship. I tried for a long timeget it back by any means possible. She proved that I was not the same as the opinion that was created about me. With each attempt he moved further and further away from me. I triedforget him by all means, but only now I understand that happiness was worth cherishing like a crystal fragile sun. You cannot be led by your emotions, you cannot trust even your loved ones. Before you say something rash, you need to think once.

Dear people! Appreciate your loved ones. Love with all your soul. Cross out selfishness and when you meet, do everything toyour loved one has become happier, and not the other way around. Don't overcharge, forget about pride. Respect and treat with all kindness and understanding. Be happy! May God give you a fabulous happy love.

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