My boyfriend doesn't appreciate me

My boyfriend doesn't appreciate me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met when we were 17 years old, in our first year. He noticed me immediately, fell in love, but I didn’t notice him. I can’t say that I was beautiful then - sort of like a neighboryoung woman . It’s strange that he noticed me, there were so many girls around. At that time I was just a child, completely in school. We had nothing in common except that we studied in the same group.

He chased me for about 6-7 months, and I gave up. Although, rather, I was persuadedfriends , and he was very persistent. At first everything was wonderful, he was so sweet, caring, gentle, I was everything to him. And I fell in love with such a guy.

3 years have passed since then. Everything has changed, he is completely different, I can’t even explain. He no longer pays attention to me, does not walk with me, avoids me, is rude, raised his hand to me several times, but I endure it. I do everything for him: I do all the tasks for two, the lastI spend money on him, I take care of him, but he doesn’t appreciate it. He always says that it’s difficult with me and that no one needs me. Having grown up, I lost weight, began to take care of myself, I dress beautifully, in a word, I became noticeably more beautiful. At the same time, I don’t go out (I’m a homebody), I love reading and cooking, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and before him I didn’t have a boyfriend. And he doesn't appreciate it at all. He tried to leave him several times, but couldn’t, but he wouldn’t let go.

When I try to leave him, he says that he loves me very much, cannot live without me, immediately becomes attentive and caring, claims that everything will change. And I, fool, believe and remain. I see that he loves me, but not the way I love him. I’m thinking of leaving him before it’s too late, despite the fact that we want to get married. I'm afraid to stay with him forever because nothing will change, it will always be like this. What if I leave, what if I can’t find someone worthy? I'm so confused... help.

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