My romance ended in nothing

My romance ended in nothing
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Imarried _ Family like everyone else, everything is there:daughter , prosperity, peace, tranquility, stability, reliability, a man’s shoulder - and much more you can write about. Everything that every woman dreams of. But a person has this quality: if he has everything, then he wants even more. It’s the same for me.

I've never been a sucker formoney , I didn’t live very richly as a child. Came outmarried , we also didn’t live very well. Thenmy husband worked, grew up at work, over the 10 years of marriage he began to earn good money, and we have everything. What I mean is that I didn’t need anything, but I had emptiness inside.

I am very emotional by temperament, but my husband is calm. We are like the opposite – plus and minus. He is a great person, but sometimes it’s very boring to be with him. He did not understand me very well from the first days of our acquaintance, and I have been with him for 13 years already, 10 years of marriage.

And one day, out of boredom, I decided to go into the chat - I wanted to find an interlocutor with whom I could openly communicate and just take my mind off everyday life.

I met a man, he was married, we talked for a very long time. Every day we only corresponded, I didn’t see him, and we decided to exchange photos and recorded voice messages. If I had known, I would have been better off not doing this!

As he communicated further, he began to show increased attention to me. He often began to complain about his wife and said nasty things about her. I didn’t pay attention to this right away, it’s a shame that you realized it too late.

We continued to communicate with him closely, openly, shared secrets, and gained each other’s trust. I couldn’t help but write “good morning” to him, and we talked very often during the day. It seemed to me that no one in my life understood me as much as he did. I waited with pleasure for his message, I lived for it.

The time has come when we admitted to each other that we like each other, that we are very good with each other just in the virtual world. I was drawn in, attached, I simply admired him. We often spoke to on the phone. I just got lost in reality and lived a virtual life.

We lived with him 800 km from each other. And I caught myself thinking that I would really like to see him.

He confessed his love to me, said that he would like ourbring the relationship into the light and so on. And after 8 months of our romance, so to speak, we saw each other.

It took me a long time to decide to meet, but I went to him, and I was simply carried by wings. Like a little girl who believed in fairy tales, I flew to him. If I knew the consequences, I would never do this...

We met with him rarely, we had intimacy, we were lovers. Yes, I flew with him, he was the one with whom I would always want to be. I fell in love with him much later than he did, as he said. I lived and was happy.

He and I really wanted to be together, we decided to tell our other halves. After all, this could not continue, we lived in deception.

I told my husband everything. There was a lot of drama. He also told his wife, she also suffered. We all suffered greatly from this, we lived in stress - he was there, I was here, but not together.

I didn’t dare go to him, although he offered me to live together and so on. I have a daughter, he has a daughter - for the sake of the children, I didn’t want to cause them suffering, although we had already done a lot. As a result, we continued to be lovers after these dramas. How disgusting it is to even write this! I was in the background, I just lived like in a garbage dump, at the same time I was happy, but I understood all the consequences.

He and I soon broke up for a long time; we didn’t communicate for a month. I suffered a lot, I died without him. As a result, we got back together, living in families the same way. We saw each other and were no longer like lovers. Our halves knew everything, and we lived like neighbors. It is very painful to live, love and understand that we will not be together.

He asked me to marry him. But I didn’t dare just go to him, he went himself.

We decided to get a divorce (it’s a good thing I didn’t do that!). There was an agreement that he would get divorced first, and then I would come to him. But the war did not allow us to do this. As a result, he remained in another country, escaping the war, and I remained in the war to live, which I still do. And we parted with him forever.

I didn’t go to him, he asked, begged, but I didn’t leave all my people in the war and I stayed here. It turns out that I chose the family, not him. After all this, he insulted me very much and offended me with words. And I just don't believe inlove , probably everything was feigned on his part. After all, after I refused him, he simply threw me out of his life. He still didn't understand me...

Read the continuation of the confession here.

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