My strange dream

My strange dream
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Today I decided to confess and tell my story of unrequited love. It just so happened that literally two or three days ago I saw in a dream my classmate, whom I had loved since I was 12 years old. Now I’m already 30, so these feelings have been living with me for quite a long time. It would be nice if we loved each other, but only I loved him. And to be honest, I don’t even know. It seemed to me that there was sympathy, but most likely there were no genuine feelings.

In general, I see a dream, the two of us are talking about something, we are in some kind of room for students, and suddenly this room turns into some kind of cave. Here we both laugh at jokes, communicate, we feel so good. I feel sympathy on his part, he hugs me, kisses my hands in every possible way, presses them to himself. All of us who were in such a closed room were, like, in Greek robes, and then our teacher calls one of the guys and comes to the window, which is so uneven. I go up behind him, and we see how one woman below us takes and gives a classmate an octopus, a small one. We are touched, and then this octopus instantly begins to slide off our loved one’s hands and crawls right into his ear.

I was in such a panic, I tried to help him, I screamed for help, but everyone who stood nearby was rooted to the spot. I hug him, scream his name, start crying and gently tell him that I won't leave him. I'm near,Darling . We both hugged, and I see that he is okay, but the feeling is unpleasant from the octopus inside. We go to doctors or whoever can help us in a dream. I lead him by the hand and see how mycurrent husband . And I feel that he understands me, that he is not against what I feel at the moment for my classmate, and that he is even happy to help him with me. And then this woman tells us that she mixed up the men to whom she was supposed to give this octopus, that my classmate is an accidental victim. She took us to another cave and showed us already dead octopuses that she had to feed to the rest of the students. Our group of people who were there even tried to taste them, but it was clearly not appetizing. And while this woman was entertaining the others, my classmate took me by the hand and we went deeper into the cave to get a better look at her. There we saw strange puddles and a nice place where we could sit and soak up the sun while we were alone. I felt his sincerity, hislove , his tenderness. I even remember the thoughts that came into my head: “We’re going to have a kiss, but did I brush my teeth?” Horror, such thoughts visited me in a dream.

I remember waking up, the sensations were very pleasant, I didn’t want to leave the dream, to stay there with him, at least for some moment, which God allowed us. These are, of course, all my childhood dreams that never left me for a minute. I imagined love for him as a ray that shines in my empty and dark deep soul, and at some point, this ray turns into a beautiful crystal, which is stored very deep in my soul. Only when I remember some pleasant moments from childhood associated with him, this crystal seems to begin to glow and makes me feel. So tender and deep.

I myself don’t understand why I still love him. I’m writing all this to you, but I’m lying there and crying. Of course, I want to tell him, write, share, so that they don’t torment me anymore, but I can’t. He has been married for many years and has no children. Now he is a pilot. He is a completely closed person and I don’t know what’s inside him, whether he can say such things. Not to cross paths with him and sleep with him, but just to talk to let him go. I looked for him in everyone who fell in love with me or I fell in love. A courageous, brave and strong person. But he is the only one to whom my soul is not indifferent.

Why this happens in life, I don’t know. The heart is so unpredictable, you love sincerely and pray for a person who doesn’t even know it. I probably invented this fairy tale for myself and believed in it for many years, and I am in love with the feelings that I experience. Maybe if we meet and talk, everything will work out? And at school everyone knew about our sympathies, even when I walked home, my classmates followed me and one of them told him: “There, your love is coming.” Or it would happen that I would go into class, and he would sit on the desk next to mine and touch my things, stroke them. He always protected me from evil classmates, gave me gifts on March 8th, and since he is the leader in the class, everyone knew what he was giving me and that’s why I’m busy. I don't know why we never talked. There were always only glances and requests to help each other and more touches.

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