My girlfriend forbids me to play computer games

My girlfriend forbids me to play computer games
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to tell you about my problem. In short, my girlfriend and I constantly and out of the blue have quarrels because of my passion for computer and online games. And she simply does not accept any of my counterarguments.

Two years ago Oksana and I finishedUniversity (we studied together in the same group) and have been living together for almost a year. I have a good job working with computers. I earn normal money, my parents also help with money, so we don’t have any financial problems. Oksana is getting a second degree and is not working yet - I don’t mind at all. I get tired at work, although I don’t have any overtime, business trips or other hassles usually associated with paid positions. There is enough time forhelp around the house, and for joint shopping trips, and for romance. At least when compared to the couples of our mutual friends, I clearly do more for our relationship than the average guys we know.

But all this is not enough. My Oksana seems to be replaced when she sees me play. Reproaches are sure to begin and are inventedproblems , unimportant grievances are remembered and the already traditional inflation ofmolehills ​My arguments, logic, voice of reason - it’s all unimportant and it doesn’t work. In my opiniongirls , I must immediately stop playing and do anything else, just not this. Although she herself often plays simple casual games, and she doesn’t hide it. But this is her, she can do it, but I, in her opinion, will definitely become a dependent nerd who will not be interested in anything except drawn axes and virtual friends.

I used to often agree with her, but then I thought – why suddenly? Why can’t I enjoy what I like if I don’t bother anyone and don’t demand anything from anyone? I don’t spend nights and weekends in online worlds, I am able to control myself and be responsible for my actions, so why should I feel remorse about my innocent hobby?

Dear girls, please explain why you are so illogical and why are you creating problems in relationships out of the blue? Thank you.

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