My daughter annoys his mom

My daughter annoys his mom
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I divorced my husband several years ago and have a five-year-olddaughter Lisa, and a year ago I met a man, I love him and I know that he loves me too. They also got along with Lisa right away, but we haven’t been able to live together yet, hemom doesn't like minedaughter _ I often visit their home and help my future mother-in-law with everything, but when it comes to moving in with them, she immediately sets the conditions for not having a child.

Not only is Sergei’s mother a woman of character, but she also has a weakhealth and Seryozha is often forced to rush home after work and not to me. Therefore, the option to live with me is not even considered, he will not leave his mother alone, and I cannot even imagine that I could leave Lisa to live permanently with her parents.

Several times Sergei tried to talk to his mother about us, but she said that she wanted to live quietly in her old age, without other people’s children.

Once, when she was feeling very bad, I had to stay with them for almost a whole week to help. Naturally, I arrived with my daughter, who looked at everything everywhere, she was interested in everything, but did not touch anything (I strictly warned her at home). I even put her in a perfectly ironed new dress. But nothing helped. When Olga Ivanovna felt better, she said that we should leave, since the girl annoys her and prevents her from watching TV.

Sergei said that he would talk to his mother and try to convince her that it’s time for us all to live together, but I don’t believe that she will agree. During the days that I lived with them, I realized that there would never be a normal relationship. Despite the fact that Seryozha loves me and treats Lisa well, he cannot do anything with his mother. I’m also starting to get tired of all this and I don’t know what to do?

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