Can you trust your loved one again?

Can you trust your loved one again?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met her on the Internet, shared hobbies, came to visit, liked it. I offered to be together, she arrived already with things. We lived for a while, then I began to notice a lack of respect and interest in me, quarrels, when I ask what is wrong - she does not answer. It bothered me because I can not tolerate such an attitude. During this time, feelings appeared, and many problems were overcome in order to be together. In general, againquarrel , I said: "leave." Then she said that she wanted to turn back on the floor of the road, but my phone was turned off. Don't knowlie or truth, I asked her to come back, I try to communicate, she, in turn, says that she will come as soon as she solves matters that I don’t know.

Then he starts to simply ignore me, disappear somewhere with friends, with girlfriends, with old acquaintances, he drives cars alone with them, then uploads a photo. Later, I learn from her words that these people are her old acquaintances, but this does not change the essence, that is, the person leads an incomprehensible lifestyle, knowing that they are waiting and wanting herreturn . And most importantly, he declares 2 months after his departure thatpregnant and immediately says that she will give birth there and will not go anywhere for six months after giving birth. She claims that she loves, as a result, she arrived pregnant, with the same cold attitude towards me, she did not want to kiss me, she said that she was unpleasant, although she was waiting for a meeting and likes. A conversation began, again insults, a strong quarrel with all the facts, how she behaved and what she had been doing all this time, in the end, she left again. My child offered financial assistance, but the feelings are strong, I'm sorry that everything is so, and she is a calm person, although cunning. I also don't like that she lied over and over again.

Time has passed and I learn about the birth of a child from other people, not from her, I named it in my own way, although I dreamed of calling it differently. Time passes, I constantly call her to live with me and ask her to change a little, just respect, appreciate since you want a family. But she has eternal excuses. After another rejection, I stop communicating completely. SMS begins, with the words "I love", "I'm sorry for everything", "I want to live with you until old age" and so on. I am very worried about all this, but I also love myself and do not know what to do. The child is growing, she is praying to come and live happily, but I no longer believe in the bright intentions of this person, and is this whole circus with moving necessary? She really needs a neckthe child will grow up, then she will leave?

There is no trust in her, and I take my family very seriously, but she is the opposite. During all this time, she showed that she didn’t care, but she said that she loved. She kept me, as if on the occasion of the situation, and wanted to come when she needed, and not at the first opportunity, having learned aboutpregnancy , because the feelings were then, but her pride plays a cruel joke with her over and over again. And these memories from her behavior, where she was, what she did, who she met when she was pregnant, partying until 4 at night. It depressed me, and memory cannot be erased. I said that I don’t plan to marry in the near future, maybe at all, which will depend on her. I am faithful, this is my principle, she also says that she did not cheat on her ex, but this is her behavior. Do not say that I am lisping or a rag, I am serious and tough, but kind. What to do? Believe, let her into your life?

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