My husband provides, but does not pay attention to me

My husband provides, but does not pay attention to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a young and attractive person who grew up in a middle-income family. I received an education, defended my PhD thesis, got a position with a good salary, met a man, fell head over heels in love, mutually. Everything was in the best traditions of melodramas: he is young, rich, unmarried, in love, showering me with compliments, affection and gifts. Then the wedding. On the news about my pregnancymy husband gave me a car. Borndaughter . He also became an ideal father. I'm on maternity leave.

Six months have passed, and suddenly he stops noticing me. He doesn’t talk, he blames me for all my problems, while he continues to fulfill all my wishes financially, takes care of my daughter and evensex remains. But outside of bed, it's like I'm an invisible man. My first thought is that my husband is cheating. But he never gave a reason for jealousy, he always answers the phone, after work he goes straight home, I confess that I went through my phone, my pockets, my computer, checked through my friends and girlfriends - everything was clean.

When he tries to talk and discuss the problem, he becomes aggressive, shouts, insults, goes to work, from there he sends an SMS with an apology, in the evening brings flowers, sex, and in the morning everything is as before. I don’t want to get a divorce, I can’t live like this, my conscience doesn’t allow me to seek attention on the outside. Tried to call himjealousy , but he doesn’t seem to care. And soon I’ll just end up in a mental hospital with such a family life.

Yes, from the outside it looks like I demand a lot, because I have everything, but in fact I’m like a shadow, they don’t talk to me, don’t hug me, they simply don’t react, as if I don’t exist. Sometimes I go to the mirror to make sure that I can be seen. I went to psychologists, but they advised banal things like sexy lingerie, delicious dinners and heart-to-heart conversations. I try the first points regularly, they don’t help, but I can’t talk, he ignores me. And I don’t even know what I want to hear from you, dear readers of my confession. Maybe just an opinion, what would you do if you were me?

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