Husband is offended that I don't want sex

Husband is offended that I don't want sex
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have always been concerned about sex in relationships. Why is a woman obliged to do it, even if there is no desire? This issue becomes especially acute in my family after the birth of children (I have three of them).

Newborns in the first year of life take away all their strength. And that's okay, I enjoy doing them. But somehow mymy husband believes that as soon as I put the child to bed, I am immediately ready and want to have sex. Where in their head can such a thing even appear? They do not think that we are tired and we just stupidly want to rest.

Although rest, of course, is often not necessary. I usually try to redo as many current cases as possible untilthe child is sleeping. After all, no one does the housework that I do. Now, if my husband, for example, was engaged at least occasionally in cleaning or shopping, then, perhaps, it would be easier for me. And here you fly immediately after laying down the child to hang clothes, wash dishes or cook. I don't even have time for myself, let alone rest. And here he is! And when you explain and gently refuse, you are also to blame: you never want, you never love, and in general. I wonder where our three children came from.

I'm not complaining here, but it really hurt, and there is no one to discuss it with. It comes to this that I deliberately linger next to the children just so as not to go into conflict because of my next refusal. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that a woman should not, without a desire, have sex solely for the satisfaction of a man. I do not think that a man without this occupation will die directly. You can be patient sometimes. Naturally, when the youngest child is over 2 years old, it becomes incomparably easier. He sleeps all night and is more independent during the day. But when he, for example, is 4-5 months old, then there is always one desire - to relax and finish things. Sex in this period is on the last, one might say, place.

Somehow there is no understanding on the part of the husband of this situation. And it's upsetting. Yes, he himself sees that there is no desire on my part, as it was before. And this is also, in his opinion, my fault. Nonsense. Desire comes, howrule , when the body is resting, and not when stress and fatigue rolls over. And for some reason, it is at such critical moments that my husband wants intimacy.

For example, when we go on vacation, he certainly needs sex on the very first evening just a nosebleed. And it doesn't matter that I alone packed things for our entire rather big family and hardly slept all night before the trip. And everyone was tired on the road. But he is of little interest. He just thinks that I don't want sex and that's it.

In general, it hurt. You can't feel guilty all the time. We need to somehow solve the problem.

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