Men's opinion about the causes of typical women's problems and tips for solving them

Men's opinion about the causes of typical women's problems and tips for solving them
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I often read life stories on this site and noticed that their authors are most often women. Many of their problems are typical.

They are repeated in different confessions, wandering from commentary to commentary. But there are very few truly sensible tips, and even more so methods for preventing the occurrence of problem situations.

I would like to express my male opinion on the account of what kind of rake women step on and why they do not have to do it. Who cares, they can continue to blame men for everything, but it is possible that my reasoning will be at least a little useful to someone.

Firstly, not all women are tormented by the maternal instinct, and not all are delighted with the fact that they gave birth. I think that quite a lot of destinies (and not only women’s ones) are crippled by the goal that is firmly driven into the head “be sure to give birth before thirty”, “there will be no one to bring a glass of water in old age”, etc.

Many women who do not really need it panic, succumb to public pressure, and then anonymously write stories on sites like about how they hate the child, how they "sacrificed everything" and could not do what they love deed.

Probably, you still need to live with your head. Be sure to listen to other people's advice, but decide in your own way. There is no universal happiness for everyone. Everyone has their own, non-standardized. You should not act "like everyone else" if you personally do not need it and are not interested.

Secondly, women's lamentations about "lost time" and "I spent my best years on you, but you ..." are also not very logical. The standard and very serious mistake most women make is to care about their appearance, and not about their brains, professional skills, career and money, after all.

Appearance is a very unreliable and perishable thing. I don't understand why women rely on her. I'm serious, about "blind and stupid" men who react only to the neckline and hate smart girls, it's not very relevant - there are not so many of us among us.

Perhaps, until the twentieth century, while a woman was, in fact, a disenfranchised commodity and ballast for both her father and her husband, such tactics were justified. But why do modern women step on the same rake? And not only attack themselves, but also push daughters, sisters, girlfriends against them ...

A poppy example, but if a woman is a Personality like Alla Borisovna (fame is not necessarily needed, just a little money, intelligence, connections, etc.), then there will always be her own young Galkin (if suddenly “after forty” you want something like that) .

Men usually do not expect to “marry well” and do not regret “the best years spent on their wife”, and even if they care about their appearance, it is not in order to profitably attach it, quickly have children and relax.

For a man, a wedding and the birth of children is just the beginning, an incentive to work harder (including on himself), and not a reason to show off in a veil and post photos to the envy of classmates.

A man knows that he has no one to rely on except himself. A beloved woman can be a maximum equal friend, but not a source of financing for his endless Wishlist.

Thirdly, men don’t really want to get married, not because they need more and more young fools, but because, in addition to beauty (which, when married, very quickly acquires extra kilos, she cuts her hair shorter and acquires an incessant “ headache"), most women have nothing better to offer.

Naturally, sooner or later, such a woman loses to the “newer models” who advertise themselves with might and main with the help of open clothes, makeup and languid looks.

A painted stupid woman "about forty", who did not want to become wise, looks pathetic. And she simply has nothing to oppose to the same stupid, but young competitors. It remains only to whine and blame others for all your troubles.

Unfortunately, there are not so many women who are interesting to a man even a few years after the first sex. Such women do not need a stamp in their passport. They understand that the birth of a child does not guarantee them a relaxed life at the expense of the father of their child.

They know that a relationship with a beloved man needs to be worked on from the very first kiss,every day , and this work is not limited to eyelash extensions and the purchase of lace underwear.

Such women are very rarely cheated on and they almost never leave, because finding at least one such woman is a great success. And to miss it for the sake of the usual young fool, will be decided only by a complete idiot. And such, as I wrote above, among men there are not many at all.


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