At the crossroads

At the crossroads
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I began to notice thatAt first my husband refused to eat at home, then he began to disappear on weekends more and more often. Probably after 4 months the alarm sounded. I asked him what happened? The first thing he replied was that he didn’t see me as a woman anymore.

I began to clarify whether it was me or whether he was indifferent to all women. He complained of being tired, that he had a lot of negative feelings that he didn’t want to pour out on us, so he ran away from home. I talked to him and said that in marriage there is a cooling of feelings, that we could just be friends. That evening he became happier, the next day too, and then closed again. To my subsequent questions whether he loved me, he replied that he respected that the past had accumulated, that he was not satisfied, that he was now at a crossroads. He expressed a couple of complaints, I replied that I was ready to change what he didn’t like. He replied that he didn’t want to, he was used to it the way it was.

About me: I take care of myself, athletic, fit, I look after my child, my house. He said that I let him out of sight. I told that I was just tired. Work at work, work at home. Something like this. I don’t have enough strength to keep up with everything, pay attention to my child, take care of the house, and also attention to my husband. What should it be?

I'm completely tired. Health problems , and then there’s this. I’m telling you to understand where to move next. I understand that I don’t have the strength to show my best side, to deservelove , desire, unfortunately, is also absent. Because there is no energy.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell my life story.

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