The boss promoted me for a reason

The boss promoted me for a reason
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I really like my boss, he also looks at me like a cat looks at lard. I've known him for many years, myhis husband worked for him. But I started working in his company a year ago. So we play at each other, but II'm married , so that's not an option. And his appearance, one might say, is not very good: a shaved head, a big mouth, but he’s a male, he’s reallya man who can kill you with one left hand, he looks like a lion, never screams, but if they take him out, he will say in a calm tone that the palm trees will fall down. This is from the words of those who were present at such moments.

He invited me to his place because I really wanted a smart watch and went to the office to begmoney in installments. He asked why. I showed a picture on the Internet, he had exactly the same ones, but he doesn’t use them, so he offered an almost new watch for a ridiculous price and said: “you’ll give it back when you can.” Let's go to his house.

And so we sat in his apartment, side by side on the balcony, I was freaking out, trying to contact them with my phablet, and the boss was helping me find the cause of the error. So we struggled with the devices for 2 hours, I gave up, went home, but took the watch. And then I had withdrawal symptoms, there’s no other way to describe it, even if you run back for sex. I sinned on his perfume, I thought it had pheromones. Then after 2 weeks I calmed down because I didn’t see him.

When I paid the last amount and offered him a choicealcohol as a gift, he said which one, but added that there was no need to buy anything. We both understood that the whiskey was just an excuse to tickle each other's nerves. He said that we could see each other at his home. He lives 5 minutes from me. I went with a box of expensive whiskey. I got out of the elevator, I saw his door wide open, he was sitting on the side of the sofa, like the Lion King. I wanted to hug him and kiss him, but instead I went inside, he offered to drink together, I refused, put the bottle on the bar counter, thanked him for everything, and goodbye he kissed me on cheek, me too. And she left.

Again I fantasize all night long about sex with him. I even stopped playing games, although I am almost a gaming addict.

The owner of the company is his eldestbrother , he bluntly started sending me SMS with offers. But I don't care about him. Why is the second one not like that, he is waiting for me to start first. I’ll probably make up my mind, because this can’t go on any longer.

Today I was in the office, he called me for a conversation and gave me a promotion.

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