There are no real friends or I was just unlucky to meet them

There are no real friends or I was just unlucky to meet them
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story has no specific message. Just thoughts.

They say that every person who comes to ourlife means something. Hundreds, thousands of people have passed through my life. I was always told that you need to learn lessons from any relationship or situation. I analyzed each one in vain, looking for a lesson, a message, or anything, oh my God. Nothing. Nothing but the ringing emptiness of loneliness. People come into my life, and I welcome them with hospitality, I treat them better than I treat myself (you will say that this is impossible, but that’s the kind of person I am). And then they leave, first turning everything inside you upside down, shattering your heart and everything. It was as if nothing connected you. I was always afraid of offending someone, of hurting someone’s feelings, but no one was afraid of offending me (corny, I know, but still). And the only oneThe question that torments me is why? What have I done to you? I am also a person, with my own soul and feelings. I have never read or written on such sites, but this is just a cry of despair, or rather a cry for help.

I don’t feel the ground under my feet, I don’t want to cry or be sad. I'm afraid to let anyone near me anymore. I want to close myself off from everyone so that it just doesn’t hurt so much anymore. But I also don’t want to live my life alone. I'm scared, comrades. Very. To those who read this, I want to say that the people around you can feel it too, they can be offended too. Let's be more merciful to each other or something! To help each other. It doesn't matter if you know this person or not, just smile at him. Perhaps you will become that lifeline for him.

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