Forever lost friend

Forever lost friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

On that fateful day I was at school. It was already lunch, and I was very upset that mymy friend never came to school. We were told that we would have the Olympics, and I decided to call Anya (friend) and warn her about this. I call her at home, her grandmother answers the phone:

“Hello,” I say. - Hello, Baba Katya, can I have Anya?

- Katya, Anya hasn’t come home from school yet.

- Yes? — I asked confused, “okay, thank you, goodbye!”

I was scared, because Anya was neither at home nor at school... I told our mutual friends Nadya and Masha about my fears. Nadya only remained silent, but Masha was wary.

I called Baba Katya and said that Anya was not at school. Grandma got scared, upset, thanked me and hung up. Anya couldn’t skip classes, I was worried about her and didn’t know what to do.

The next day we (Masha, Nadya, and me) were summoned for interrogation. I told him that the day before Anya and I had a fight, but then made up.

They looked for Anya for three days, then they found her... dead. You should have seen me when I heard this - my already pale face became simply transparent. My heart began to pound, it seemed as if it would burst out. I didn’t know what to do, I cried for a long time. After all, this was my best friend... Tears just flowed. I couldn’t stop them, I just didn’t have the strength, I couldn’t believe all this horror.

The next day I had a fever and did not go to school. My mother saw how much I was suffering and took me to a child psychologist. But I still can'tforget this tragic story.

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