I can't leave my husband in this state

I can't leave my husband in this state
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m 25, my husband is 30. For the first six months we couldn’t breathe without each other. Then I got pregnant and got married.

We did everything together, while my condition allowed, he did not work (was engaged in business, went bankrupt). They lived at my expense. I'm going on maternity leave andmy husband started to feel sick.

He began to withdraw, drink, disappear, and periodically did not spend the night. It all turned out to be sad - he quit smoking weed for my sake, and a kind man offered him “sedative” pills, which are actually strong psychotropic substances. Pawned my gold, spent all my savings on the child. Lied. I believed, becausea loved one cannot deceive.

Okay, I told you, we overcame it, I forgave you. Then a difficult birthhospital (after such and such stress), I was not at home for more than a month, stopped visiting us, stopped answering calls, freaked out and went to my mother. I lived there for 4 months, came 3 times, went to see him the same amount of time, he cried and said that he wasn’t worthy of us, she wanted to get a divorce, but we persuaded her not to rush. As he explains: it’s a shame that he has no money, can’t give us anything, and has panic attacks, but test-antibiotic.com loves us and doesn’t change us. Agreed to homemadetreatment , how and what was there, I don’t know, I did itsister , I wasn’t allowed there, andthe child is small. Then he came and begged for a chance.

We spent the summer calmly, but we just couldn’t find a job. Then it worked out, he worked for 3 weeks, received a salary and it hit him again. He swears that he doesn’t use anything. He's away from home for days, he drops my calls. He comes home, sleeps, eats, apologizes and promises not to repeat this, and then immediately finds an excuse to go out without me, and again there is none. I went to see my mother and baby, thought about it and came to the conclusion that if I left him now, I would feel like a traitor and he needed to be treated. Although I can’t imagine our jointlife goes on, I don’t want to waste my energy on him, because I need to think about the child. What will I tell my son then? Abandoned your father in difficult times? I don’t even know which doctor to take him to, how to organize everything, where to get the money. The easiest way is to leave. But I know that I will regret it.


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